Effective Altruism & The Arete Fellowship

Effective Altruism & The Arete Fellowship

- 1 min

Effective Altruism is a social movement and philosophy founded by Peter Singer. It is guided by utilitarian/consequentialist ethics and supports evidence-based giving. The movement provides a community and platform for people to donate their resources (e.g. time or money) efficiently to create the greatest good possible. EA has a growing population and helps people to consider how best they can benefit the world, whether it be through a career (as advised by 80,000 hours), or earning to give (as endorsed by Giving What We Can). Particular causes supported include global poverty, animal welfare, and existential risk.

I ran the Arete Fellowship for students at Minerva to help grow the movement within my community and attended the EAGxBoston conference (left) to meet like-minded people.

The Arete Fellowship (see Duke and Harvard) is a 9-week introductory course on Effective Altruism. I took the curriculum from both schools and merged them to facilitate the course for 12+ Minerva students.

In the final week, students presented independent research projects on topics such as free will, randomised controlled trials, corporate social responsibility, AI safety, and animal welfare.

Alexander Bricken

Alexander Bricken

Travelling the world.

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